Renewable Recovery
The B Corp Climate Collective supported WWF’s Renewable Recovery Campaign in September 2020, where 50+ Certified B Corps signed a joint letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison asking the Federal Government to support a $2 billion renewable-led stimulus package to rebuild from COVID-19 in the 2020-2021 Budget.
This campaign aims to make the case that Australia can prosper economically by acting on climate change by specifically kickstart the clean energy transition across five areas:
Batteries: Unlock Australia’s potential to become a leader in global battery manufacturer
Local solar: Deliver at least one new solar project in every local community across the country, which would create up to 5,000 jobs and cut the cost of energy for thousands of schools, hospitals, country fire stations and Indigenous communities across regional Australia.
Electric buses: Fast-track the electric bus revolution and build a national manufacturing sector supplying electric buses to the world
Manufacturing: Convert our manufacturing industries to renewable power sources, so they can be resilient and competitive in a global market
Hydrogen power: Accelerate renewable hydrogen and become a global supplier of the ‘fuel of the future’
WWF were pleased with the outcome of the campaign, as a number of key asks were included in the 2020-21 budget.